Monday, January 7, 2013

Fiesta Bowl Recap. Kind of.

Now I don't often write about college football bowl games. I just happened to watch this one (well, most of it). Let's just say it was on the t.v. and I was near the t.v. at the time. Well, some of the time.
Let's break it down. Go bullet points!
  • First quarter- I didn't watch it. I meant too, but forgot to turn it on and got busy making dinner and doing other "mom" things. Thank goodness my husband came home and turned it on. I am lost without him.
These guys know how to dress.
  • Second quarter-Umm... someone scored..? Okay, didn't really pay too much attention to that one. I WAS, however,  paying attention to the Ducks uniforms. Or as I like to call them 'outfits'. They have so many different ones. It's like watching a theater performance of "Football!" where they have 30 different costume changes. I know they don't change during the game. But have you ever seen all the different combos they have? White, gray, black, tie-dye, camo, etc. 
 Not that I'm complaining. I am a girl. I like clothes.
  • Third quarter-Brief intermission from football game with our own game:  
    Parents VS. Tired Toddler. Sleep wins. Eventually.
This guy had a festive outfit!
  • Fourth quarter-The Ducks band played 'Shout it out loud' by the Rock group KISS. Yes, I am a huge KISS fan. I'll recognize their songs anywhere.
Congratulations to the Oregon Ducks for winning!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Why is there baseball on my TV in winter?

Yes, this is a serious question. And not mention, a serious problem. 
Why is this such a problem? Well let me break it down into fun bullet points.  
  • There are no games happening. So...what is there to report? 
  • Are we wondering what the baseball players were dressing up as for Halloween? 
  • What kind of stats can they report on? Who raked the most leaves?  
  • Do we just want to see what crazy shirt/tie combo the hosts wear? 
  • Or how many times that one guy will say "Got Heem!!" 
  • Ugh, that is annoying. 
This is a problem people. Don't let your loved one know that baseball is still on! They will go right back into their baseball comas and who knows how long they'll be gone. They could very well miss Christmas and not even be aware that the new year is here!
Oh the horror! Think of the children! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Golf made me cry

Yes, golf made me cry. Not because I was swinging a golf club around and hurt myself. I am an incredible golfer. If you replace the word "incredible" with "semi-good", and you replace the word "golf" with "mini-golf", then yes I am. 
It's because of Bubba. Yup, Bubba Watson. I wasn't even really paying much attention to this whole "Master's" thing. It just appeared on our t.v. I think I remember playing with my baby and even taking a nap while it was on.
 I did, however, manage to see two things that I guess were pretty important. The first was this guy, Louis Oosthuizen, getting a hole in one. The commentator got my attention by saying something like "Come to papa!" Apparently it was only the fourth double-eagle in the history of the Masters. Guess what a double-eagle is also known as an albatross. Someone told me that. I don't know what an albatross is. I guess it's a double-eagle. Golf is like most sports. They can be very confusing with their wordage.

So the part that made me cry was when Bubba Watson hit his last ball and he won and started to cry too. Yes, watching other people on t.v cry makes me emotional too. I felt very happy for him. I had no idea who this guy was, but thank goodness ESPN was there to show a short video montage of his life. Soon I got filled in with the details of who this Bubba was. Thank you ESPN. 
He's very tall, has a wife, a new baby and seems just down right nice. I felt so connected with him. 
Also, he has a pink golf club. He is my new favorite golfer guy. Congrats to Bubba Watson for making golf semi-tolerable enough for me to pay attention.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Madness. Is there a cure? Look in the Hoosier!

     Short answer: No. Long answer: March Madness is like being bit by a Zombie. The only difference is instead of having an urge to eat other humans I have this strange urge to keep watching college basketball. And I mean a WHOLE game. I know this is weird for me but I can't help it! It's so much fun to see the last few seconds of a game and watch a team win or see an amazing upset. So, maybe I just watch for the last few intense minutes. Don't judge. 
     I also like to guess which team is going to win based on which mascot I like more. If there is a stupid mascot I will totally choose the other team. Note to college basketball players: if you want to win the NCAA Championship play for a team that has a good mascot. 
None of these qualify as a "good" mascot: 
Syracuse Orange. Not the Oranges. Just Orange. Lame.
Indiana Hoosiers. What is a "Hoosier" you ask?  A Hoosier cabinet (also known as a "Hoosier") is a type of cupboard popular in the first decades of the 20th century. Named after the Hoosier Manufacturing Co. of New Castle, Indiana. Congratulations you are rooting for a cabinet!
 Next is the most confusing mascot for me.The University of Alabama Crimson Tide. Yet the actual mascot is an elephant? Someone please explain this to me. Seriously.
Last but not least today is the creepiest mascot EVER. Saint Louis University, whose mascot is The Billikens. I've included a super creepy picture of it. What in the world is that thing?! Don't look it in the eyes!    

 I guess I can officially say I'm hooked on March Madness. And since there is no cure that I am aware of I guess I'll just enjoy it.
However, we do know there is no cure for Zombies. So watch out.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

NFL Playoff Challenge + Tebow = Winning

Okay, I did it. I created a fantasy football team with the NFL Playoff Challenge. Yup, we'll see how this goes.
So the first step was to create a catchy fun team name. All the big fantasy footballers do it. I've heard these names recently: "It's on like Ndamukong" and "It's Mike Vick in a box". Those are pretty good names. Good job husband ;)        
Alright, so my favorite team is the Seattle Seahawks. Their coach is Pete Carroll. Since it was just the holiday season I figured I would go with something seasonal. So, "Carroll of the bells" was born. Yes, I know it's not the most creative or memorable team name. But hey, it's my first time, give me break. Next I had to create a roster with eight players. How did I choose you might ask. Well, there was a very scientific approach to it. Okay, not really. I just picked the guys I like (and have heard of). I actually did do a little bit of research on some of these guys, so they better not let me down! 

Here was my line up: 
Quarterback- Tim Tebow
Running backs- Michael Turner and Arian Foster
Wide Receivers- Demaryius Thomas and Julio Jones
Tight End- Brandon Pettigrew
Kicker- Matt Prater and for my Defense I picked the Denver Broncos. 
I didn't mean to pick all those guys from the Broncos team, it just happened. However, I did mean to pick Tim Tebow because he is AWESOME!!

So I had a team name and I had a roster. Now it was time to wait and hope my guys did really well. To my astonishment, they did great! Tebow alone gave me 31 points! My other point leaders were Foster with 29 points and Thomas with 26 points. Even Prater and the Broncos defense gave me 11 points each. My total was 123 round points with all my Bronco guys and Arian Foster going to the next round. I'm pretty excited! Yes I know, I probably didn't make as many points as some veteran fantasy football players, but hey, this is just for fun. 
Well, fun and I'm trying to beat my husbands playoff team. So far so good, his total round points are 111. Woot woot! Let's hope my team kicks butt again this weekend!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Ducks party like it's 1917 all over again

     Alright, let's congratulate the Oregon Ducks on winning the Rose Bowl. Congrats!
Now let me say I would have totally been okay with the Wisconsin Badgers winning because I like their mascot. I also like their school colors.
After the Ducks won the Rose Bowl a friend of mine (who is also the biggest Ducks fan of all time. Seriously.) wrote as his Facebook status: "Time to party like it's 1917" since that was the last time the Ducks won the Rose Bowl. Now as nice as that sounds, let's really see how it would be to 'party like it's 1917'.
   First I believe you would need a snazzy top hat. They seem to be pretty standard party attire. Of course you would also need to accessorize with a monocle and cane. If you're lucky, you might end up looking like this handsome fellow to the left.
Maybe tune up the ole Nickelodeon piano and listen to some ragtime while sipping on a drink called a Celery Sour. Yes, I looked it up and that was an actual popular drink. Sounds delicious right? Didn't think so.
   I don't know about you, but I think I'll stick to partying like it's 2012. Not that I actually do any partying. The most I've done in the last few months is dance with my daughter to her LeapFrog My Pal Violet dog singing 'Do You Know the Muffin Man?' But wearing a top hat might jazz it up a bit.
Congratulations again to the Oregon Ducks. But they should really be saying a special thank you to Travis Crownover, who has believed in them since 1917. Party on Travis. Party on.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Welcome back Tim Duncan, it's the year 2011!

 Wow guess what?! The NBA is back! The NB-what?! If you've already given up on it and moved on to college basketball (or something horrible like soccer), this may be confusing. Don't ask questions.
Basketball is one of the few sports I like to watch. So, with the NBA season finally starting on Christmas day I thought we could ask Mr. Tim Duncan how he feels about the new season starting.
So Tim are you excited for the new NBA season to finally start?
Yes it is true that the NBA is coming back, why do you look so surprised? 
Oh, you say that's not your surprised face? You say that's your happy face.
Well, I'd love to see your surprised face.
Um.. Is that it? Kind of looks exactly like the previous expression.
  Oh, please don't be sad Tim.  I hate to be the one to say it, but all your facial expressions seem to be the same.You look like you're going to cry. What? You've got your angry face on now!Oh no world, watch out! Tim's got his angry face on that looks creepily similar to his happy face.

    Seriously, why does he always look so confused. Does he know where he is? What year it is? So this is my conspiracy theory: he was put into a cryogenic freezing tank and before each game they thaw him out. Then put him back in. It's happened to him so many times that the only facial expression he now knows is confusion. Which just so happens to be the state he is always in. He probably doesn't even know what year it really is. 
Yes, this is probably some type of government cover-up so I better be quiet about this now since I know the truth. But it's true. Just ask Tim! Oh, right. He's still stuck in 1997. And apparently his face is, well, just stuck.